Feel the Healing Waves

Welcome to the Meditative Healing Arts Studio!

The Meditative Healing Arts

Hello, fellow wanderers of the astral realm!

My astral realm is very expansive and all inclusive. Everyone has a different version of their own Astral Realm. I am your Astral Healer that can guide along your journey. The Astral Realm is intense, and we can only dive into your astral wellspring as deep as you desire.

This is a creative place for us to reflect, heal, ponder, and explore the vast astral realm through sound and color.

I blend the old school techniques of guided meditations, reiki, and sound healing with the expansive energy of the astral realm.

New Moon Affirmations

My name is Dominique.

I am your Astral Healer.
I am a Reiki Master, Sound Healer and Astral Realm artist.

I have been channelling energy for the last decade in various ways.

I will always be open to relay the messages I hear from source. I receive the highest frequency of light and can translate the feelings into paintings or transmissions.

My visions are channelled from the astral plane. The astral plane is a nonlinear space. We must allow space for the universe to direct and flow. Energy frequency will always come through first. Then the energy must materialize in its purity, when it’s supposed to bloom.

Feel the Healing Waves.


Meditation Philosophy

Meditation is all about bringing self-awareness to your inner world.

Guided Meditations are funky and old school in my opinion. I love guided meditations because they anchor in the energy that we wish to express and feel.

Meditation, Sound Healing, and Reiki are like the dynamic trio of energetic wellness, each offering its unique way to balance and harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. Through meditation, we quiet the endless chatter of the mind, allowing us to connect with our inner selves and the universal energy around us.

Sound healing uses vibrational frequencies to cleanse our energetic field, releasing any blockages and promoting deep relaxation. And then there's Reiki, a gentle yet powerful practice that channels the universal life force energy to heal and restore balance.

Together, these practices create a symphony of healing that resonates deep within us, bringing us back to a state of wholeness and alignment with the cosmos. Embrace the magic of meditation, Sound healing, and Reiki to tap into the boundless potential of your astral self.

The Kaleidoscopic Astral Realm

Dive into a mesmerizing watercolor portal where I joyfully paint vivid visions, bringing to life the myriad hues from my enchanting Astral Realm.

Travel through creative waters, painting the cosmos with watercolor. Explore a colorful universe where shapes and colors reveal hidden beauty. Embrace your imagination, let colors guide you. Each brushstroke opens new possibilities. Dive into celestial hues and let paintings speak to you.